Harry S. Truman / Harry S. Truman - Administration

Harry S. Truman - Administration

First Lady

Bess Truman

Vice President

Alben W. Barkley

Secretary of State

Edward R. Stettinius Jr. (1945)

Secretary of State

James Byrnes (1945–1947)

Secretary of State

George C. Marshall (1947–1949)

Secretary of State

Dean G. Acheson (1949–1953)

Secretary of Defense

George C. Marshall (1950–1951)

Secretary of Defense

Robert Lovett (1951–1953)

Secretary of Defense

James V. Forrestal (1947–1949)

Secretary of Defense

Louis Johnson (1949–1950)

Secretary of the Interior

Harold L. Ickes (1945–1946)

Secretary of the Interior

Julius A. Krug (1946–1949)

Secretary of the Interior

Oscar L. Chapman (1949–1953)

Attorney General

Francis B. Biddle (1945)

Attorney General

Thomas C. Clark (1945–1949)

Attorney General

J. Howard McGrath (1949–1952)

Attorney General

James P. McGranery (1952–1953)

Postmaster General

Frank C. Walker (1945)

Postmaster General

Robert E. Hannegan (1945–1947)

Postmaster General

Jesse M. Donaldson (1947–1953)

Secretary of the Treasury

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (1945)

Secretary of the Treasury

Frederick M. Vinson (1945–1946)

Secretary of the Treasury

John W. Snyder (1946–1953)

Secretary of Labor

Frances Perkins (1945)

Secretary of Labor

Lewis B. Schwellenbach (1945-1948)

Secretary of Labor

Maurice J. Tobin (1948–1953)

Secretary of Commerce

Henry A. Wallace (1945–1946)

Secretary of Commerce

William Averell Harriman (1946–1948)

Secretary of Commerce

Charles Sawyer (1948–1953)

Secretary of Agriculture

Claude R. Wickard (1945)

Secretary of Agriculture

Clinton P. Anderson (1945–1948)

Secretary of Agriculture

Charles F. Brannan (1948–1953)

Secretary of the Navy

James V. Forrestal (1945–1947)

Secretary of War

Robert P. Patterson (1945–1947)

Secretary of War

Kenneth C. Royall (1947)

Secretary of War

Henry L. Stimson (1945)