William Taft / William Taft - Administration

William Taft - Administration

First Lady

Helen Taft

Vice President

James S. Sherman

Secretary of State

Philander C. Knox (1909–1913)

Secretary of the Interior

Richard A. Ballinger (1909–1911)

Secretary of the Interior

Walter L. Fisher (1911–1913)

Attorney General

George W. Wickersham

Postmaster General

Frank H. Hitchcock (1909–1913)

Secretary of the Treasury

Franklin MacVeagh (1909–1913)

Secretary of Agriculture

James Wilson (1909–1913)

Secretary of Commerce and Labor

Charles Nagel (1909–1913)

Secretary of the Navy

George von L. Meyer (1909–1913)

Secretary of War

Jacob M. Dickinson (1909–1911)

Secretary of War

Henry L. Stimson (1911–1913)